So you think you can solve? Quiz8

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 Quiz 8

Answer 8

Quiz 9

quiz 8 1 Joseph Lister - first operation antiseptic - 1867 on who?

quiz 8 2 What was Black Beauties original name ?

quiz 8 3 Who was the original Peeping Tom looking at ?

quiz 8 4 What element is present in all organic compounds ?

quiz 8 5 What was Professor Moriarties first name ?

quiz 8 6 Who was known as the Little Brown Saint ?

quiz 8 7 Who rode a horse called Morengo ?

quiz 8 8 A skulk is a group of which animals ?

quiz 8 9 Who defended World heavyweight title twice same night in 1906 ?

quiz 8 10 What part of an aircraft is the empennage ?

quiz 8 11 We know who wrote Little Women but who wrote Little Men ?

quiz 8 12 Who was the Goddess of the rainbow ?

quiz 8 13 European city can be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars ?

quiz 8 14 Who was Olive Oyls boyfriend - before Popeye ?

quiz 8 15 Sienna law forbids women of what name from prostitution ?

quiz 8 16 What do the letters MG stand for on cars ?

quiz 8 17 Who was the first actor to appear on cover of Time magazine ?

quiz 8 18 Polyphemus was the leader of which group of mythical giants ?

quiz 8 19 What does a pluviomoter measure ?

quiz 8 20 Which game was illegal in Elizabethan England ?

quiz 8 21 What nationality was Oddjob ?

quiz 8 22 What is a Knout ?

quiz 8 23 What language has the most words ?

quiz 8 24 Which film star used to be a circus acrobat ?

quiz 8 25 The comma bacillus causes what disease ?

quiz 8 26 Which country invented Venetian Blinds ?

quiz 8 27 What is a quadriga ?

quiz 8 28 What is a brickfielder ?

quiz 8 29 Pupik means belly button in what language ?

quiz 8 30 What is the main ingredient in Borsch ?

quiz 8 31 What was the name of Dr Dolittles Parrot ?

quiz 8 32 What was the name of William Tells son (the apple head boy) ?

quiz 8 33 Laika was the first ever dog to do what ?

quiz 8 34 Where could you spend a Markka ?

quiz 8 35 What links a bick, throat, half swage, punching hole ?

quiz 8 36 The Fagus is the Latin name of what type of tree ?

quiz 8 37 If you have Chlorosis what colour does the skin go ?

quiz 8 38 The French say Bis - what word do the English use ?

quiz 8 39 Of what are Karakul, Texel, Romney Marsh types ?

quiz 8 40 What is biltong ?

quiz 8 41 What type of fish is Scomber Scombrus ?

quiz 8 42 What are brick, fontina, port salut, quargel types of ?

quiz 8 43 In which country did the turnip originate ?

quiz 8 44 Tchaikovsky died of which disease ?

quiz 8 45 Sam Barraclough owned which film star ?

quiz 8 46 Which animals can live longest without water ?

quiz 8 47 Captain Hanson Gregory Crockett created what void in 1847 ?

quiz 8 48 Kaka means parrot in which language ?

quiz 8 49 Who wrote A Town Like Alice ?

quiz 8 50 Which fruit contains the most protein ?

quiz 8 51 Ignatius Loyola founded which organisation ?

quiz 8 52 Which 16 th century Italian wrote The Prince?

quiz 8 53 A meander bend in a river, named from river meander - where ?

quiz 8 54 Who tells the story in The Arabian Nights ?

quiz 8 55 Alfred Jingle appears in which Dickens novel ?

quiz 8 56 Vaselina and Brillantino were alternate names which film ?

quiz 8 57 Chaplin ate a boot in the Gold Rush - what was it made of ?

quiz 8 58 Phoebe Anne Mozee better known as who ?

quiz 8 59 What is the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet ?

quiz 8 60 If you were misocapnic what do you hate ?

quiz 8 61 In sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor ?

quiz 8 62 An isoneph on a map joins places of equal what ?

quiz 8 63 Bumper Harris - wooden leg - what Job on London Underground ?

quiz 8 64 Who is Ivanhoe's wife ?

quiz 8 65 The Lent Lilly has a more common name - what ?

quiz 8 66 What would you be if you were a coryphee ?

quiz 8 67 Whose last words were - "Clito I owe a cock to Asclepius" ?

quiz 8 68 What does the German word Panzer literally mean ?

quiz 8 69 What is Frances longest river ?

quiz 8 70 In which month is the Munich beer festival held ?

quiz 8 71 What was the name of Norse God Thor's hammer ?

quiz 8 72 Who ordered John the Baptists execution ?

quiz 8 73 What was Walt Disney's first cartoon character ?

quiz 8 74 What medication discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940?

quiz 8 75 Who wrote Beau Geste ?

quiz 8 76 Prophesied the Chalus the Greek - Die on day - did of what ?

quiz 8 77 Who is Aladdin's father ?

quiz 8 78 What American state is the Badger state ?

quiz 8 79 Why was Fred Lorz disqualified 1904 Olympic marathon?

quiz 8 80 In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear ?

quiz 8 81 A muster is a group of which birds ?

quiz 8 82 Bohea is a type of what ?

quiz 8 83 In which country were antibiotics first used ?

quiz 8 84 Which country grew the first Orange ?

quiz 8 85 Gossima was the original name of what game ?

quiz 8 86 Wild marjoram is also known as what ?

quiz 8 87 What was the name of Roses monkey in Friends ?

quiz 8 88 Horse brasses - on dreyhorses - originally what purpose ?

quiz 8 89 Alfred Hitchcock admitted to being terrified of what ?

quiz 8 90 What was the name of Sancho Panza's donkey ?

quiz 8 91 What is Steganography ?

quiz 8 92 An Albert chain is usually attached to what ?

quiz 8 93 An unkindness is a group of what birds ?

quiz 8 94 A fellmonger deals in what items ?

quiz 8 95 What colour habit do Franciscan monks wear ?

quiz 8 96 Nenen-Kona is sold in Russia - what do we call it ?

quiz 8 97 Hugh Lofting created which famous character ?

quiz 8 98 What was the name of Russian bear mascot 1980 Olympics?

quiz 8 99 What ingredient must French ice cream contain by law ?

quiz 8 100 A kindle is the name for a group of what young animals ?

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