I like to know a tiny bit about almost everything. I do like a pub quiz. Quiz 58

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I like to know a tiny bit about almost everything. I do like a pub quiz. Quiz 58

 I like to know a tiny bit about almost everything. I do like a pub quiz. Quiz 58

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Then look for the Right Answers by clicking here or on the Answers Tab on the Menu and look for the same Answers page number as the Quiz Page number. You will get the answers to all the questions below.

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1 In Bexley Ohio its illegal to put what in an outhouse?
2 Well known phrase Mad as a Hatter - but what made them mad?
3 Pluto Greek god of the underworld - what was Plutus god of?
4 Victoria was not Queen Victoria's first name - what was?
5 Indoors 6  players a side outdoors numbers vary what sport?
6 Scapegoat meaning blame taker comes from what religion?
7 What is the correct name for a dandelion seed ball?
8 Dianne Fossy the naturalist is famed working with what animals?
9 In musical notation there are five lines in a what?
10 Silverwood Michigan its illegal to kill what using your hands?
11 What is the correct name for the flower the Michaelmass Daisy?
12 Round, flat, filbert or sword types / shapes of what tool?
13 Who wrote the novel The Seventh Scroll?
14 The song Mack the Knife comes from what stage show?
15 Johnny Rotten describe sex as five minutes of what?
16 An Arizona prostitutes organisation is called TWATS meaning?
17 An elephants penis is shaped like what?
18 Where the worlds first air raid in 1849  from hot air balloons?
19 What is a Rocky mountain canary?
20 In Haifa Israel its illegal to take what to the beach?
21 In medicine what is nicknamed a blue pipe?
22 What did Farters collect?
23 Psychologists say men who prefer small breasts what mentally?
24 What country had the first banknotes?
25 A Blue Tits breast is what colour?
26 What sport was called The Royal Sport?
27 What British author was offered £250000  to write book of ET?
28 If you were given a French Gobelin what would you have had?
29 What cities underground has the most stations?
30 Lang Kansas illegal ride a donkey in public unless it has what?
31 What creature make the loudest noise - 188  decibels?
32 What gets nine inches longer when its up?
33 What was Lady Chatterlys first name?
34 Enid Blyton character name changed to white beard for Politicaly Correct USA?
35 Mans formal dress coat called tails is named after what bird?
36 Christine Jorgensen in 1952  was the worlds first what?
37 Name the first chocolate bar created by Forest Mars in 1923?
38 In the poem who dug cock robins grave?
39 In what athletic event is it illegal to carry weights?
40 In Arkansas a man can only do what legally once a month?
41 The fish eating bulldog is what type of creature?
42 What has been called The most unnatural of all perversions?
43 What are the most commonly ordered item from sex catalogues?
44 What creature will only mate if the females mouth is full?
45 Knickerbockers used to be the residents of where?
46 What is the name for a chicken less than one year old?
47 British playwright wrote the screenplay for The French Lt Woman?
48 What explorer wrote the history of the word in prison in 1600 s?
49 British king was known to family friends as David his last name?
50 At the Alamo its illegal to drop what nut shells on the ground?
51 In Brookings South Dakota its illegal for a cat to live where?
52 What police resource was first used in the Jack the Ripper case?
53 The Algarve is in what country?
54 The term red herring comes from what activity?
55 The Egyptian god Horus had the head of what creature?
56 In 1964  who was the first non royal to appear on a UK stamp?
57 Name the Hong Kong stock exchange?
58 In what city was Mozart born?
59 Margaret Thatcher day is 10 th January in what area?
60 Buckroe Beach Virginia illegal put what in someone's swimsuit?
61 What is a bandy bandy?
62 What did Brian Epstein manage before the Beatles?
63 What was Bogart's full characters name in Casablanca?
64 What fruit is used to flavour Southern Comfort?
65 What 70 s pop group was originally called The Engaged Couples?
66 St Snithney is the patron saint of what?
67 What would you do with a soft cock?
68 What is Warren Beatty's first name?
69 What is the fastest creature raced for sport?
70 Jones Chapel Alabama illegal guy take gal where till 4 th date?
71 What is a Cattalo?
72 US Pres mom said Looking at my children wish I'd stayed virgin?
73 Name Lancashire town first test tube baby born?
74 The New Testament originally written in what language?
75 What would you do with a Romeo's Rouser?
76 Where did Cajun music originate?
77 1727  Helen Morris put in asylum for putting what in a newspaper?
78 Grolsch lager comes from what country?
79 Who wrote the Savoy Operas?
80 In Okalahoma City its illegal for a prisoner to wear what?
81 Steven the 1 st founded what country in 1000  ad?
82 What was originally called Eskimo Pie?
83 Cab is a shortened version of what word?
84 If silence is golden what is silver?
85 What queen banned mirrors as she got older?
86 Starts with F ends with K if you cant get one you use your hand?
87 What is the main ingredient of an edible faggot?
88 What is the only Christian country in Asia?
89 In Christian myth man was created from dust what in Islam?
90 In Bristol Rhode Island its illegal to smoke during what event?
91 13 th century Paris brothels were the first to have what?
92 In what country did Bridge originate?
93 A snake has two penises but only one what other organ?
94 Canaan Banana was the first president of where?
95 What hairs are the last to lose their colour with age?
96 Ignoring obvious what links Venus and Mercury?
97 In golf what is the penalty for playing with opponents ball?
98 What insect in Spain is known as La Cucaracha?
99 In what country was Che Guevara born?
100 In Kansas City its illegal to what with more than 12  potatoes?

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