No! Try not. Do or do not, there is no try. Quiz 88

Exam Teacher

No! Try not. Do or do not, there is no try. Quiz 88

 No! Try not. Do or do not, there is no try. Quiz 88

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Then look for the Right Answers by clicking here or on the Answers Tab on the Menu and look for the same Answers page number as the Quiz Page number. You will get the answers to all the questions below.

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1 What actor was born Krishna Bhanji?
2 Which Bruce made the cover of Time in 1975?
3 In Peter and the Wolf what instrument represents the cat?
4 Where would you find bead wires wrapping and sipes?
5 Brian Eno created which sound?
6 What is produced using the Kroll process?
7 Who first said "The Games Afoot"?
8 In France what kind of nuts are noisette?
9 A young what is called a squeaker?
10 June 1988  who's on cover of Time, Life, People, and Sports Illustrated?
11 Which companies name translates as rising sun?
12 What's unusual about the ink used to print money?
13 Elizabethan England what was Lift leg Dragons Milk Angel food?
14 The Necromancer in The Hobbit became who in later works?
15 According to Playboy what is their Playmates greatest turn on?
16 And what's their greatest turn off?
17 Canberra in Australia has 2  meanings meeting place and what?
18 Sterling Holloway was original voice of which Disney character?
19 Name the knot used to shorten a rope without cutting it?
20 Fanny Crosby wrote over 8000  of these - what?
21 What was the first country to use postcards?
22 What makes the holes in Swiss cheese?
23 Before 1883  who were called kranks?
24 What did Ed Peterson invent?
25 What is the most consumed fruit in the US?
26 Seth Wheeler patented it in 1871  - what?
27 Which actor wore an old trenchcoat in one scene in all his films?
28 What did J Edgar Hoover call home of disease bribery rape corruption?
29 Which prop item did MGM ban from film sets in the early 50 s?
30 What is the more common name for blue corundum?
31 The 42  string guitar is correctly called what?
32 What is made in shapes called finger, petticoat and thistle?
33 What were the first tennis balls stuffed with?
34 What did the US government call predawn vertical insertion?
35 For what would you use zener cards?
36 In 1908  A'Ecu d'Or became the worlds first what?
37 In Star Trek what is Chekov's first name?
38 In Norse mythology Thor's chariot is pulled by two what?
39 What were the old hecklers in the Muppet show named after?
40 According to Billboard what was the top single of the 60 s?
41 Steely Dan is a band but what was the original steely dan?
42 In the Middle Ages people threw what at the Bride and Groom?
43 What does the sun in SUN Microsystems stand for?
44 In Frank Herbert's Dune what are the Makers?
45 Which country produces the most full length feature films?
46 What is the most popular dogs name in the US?
47 What is the common name for a five wood in golf?
48 In Rebel Without a Cause name the High School?
49 A young what is called a blinker?
50 In Peter and the Wolf what instrument represents the duck?
51 According to Gene Kelly who was his favourite dancing partner?
52 What word, not preposition, appears in more film titles than any other?
53 And which word comes second?
54 Socrates was trained into what profession?
55 Who starred in cartoon where the Tasmanian Devil 1 st appeared?
56 What is the oldest ship commissioned in the Royal Navy?
57 To the Apache Indians what were God Dogs?
58 An onomastician studies what?
59 The filaments for the first electric lamp were made from what?
60 Which companies first product was an audio oscillator?
61 What was the first boxed cereal?
62 Which animals name comes from Arabic he who walks swiftly?
63 What was Blondies name before she married Dagwood?
64 The sleeve of which album was the first to feature lyrics?
65 In liquid measure a pipe is made up of two what?
66 Which companies name translates as abundant fields?
67 Which group of professionals use computer dating the most?
68 Most people bob for apples what do Adams family bob for?
69 Which department uses 65 % of all paper bought by US government?
70 Bowl of red is the Aztec translation of which food item?
71 Who wanted to play Brody in Jaws but Spielberg rejected him?
72 What are you doing if you pandiculate?
73 What ailment kills the most fruit flies?
74 The Finnish know her as Tuna what do we call her?
75 25 % of Americans believe which fictional character is real?
76 Dr Seuss created the first animated TV ad for which company?
77 Where would you find Argine Esther Judith and Pallas?
78 What is the hole in a pencil sharpener called?
79 1960  Orange bowl was first appearance of which sporting giant?
80 In Star Wars George Lucas modelled the Emperor on who?
81 What did Popeye eat for strength before spinach?
82 What is the meaning of Ghandi?
83 In 1992  2421  US people were injured at home by what?
84 What is Gerber's most popular flavour of baby food?
85 What was Billboards hit single of the 1970 s?
86 In Greek what (bad for your diet) translates into solid bile?
87 What links Scorpion Seawolf and Thresher?
88 Who coined the term gossip column?
89 Which singers first band was called The Spiders?
90 What is the first line on Mel Blanc's tombstone?
91 What was Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's  official emblem?
92 The locals call it Druk Yul - Land of the Dragon what country?
93 What was the first US TV series broadcast in the USSR?
94 In Belgium if you are eating waterzooi what is it?
95 What is the part of a horse between fetlock and hoof called?
96 A Hobbits will requires seven signatures in what?
97 Which classic film was called production 9401  during filming?
98 Where did we meet Newkirk, Carter, LeBeau and Kinchlow?
99 Sherrinford was hero Ormond Sacker assistant famous but names changed to who?
100 What did Alfred Hormel invent?

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