Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do. Quiz 80

Exam Teacher

Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do. Quiz 80

 Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do. Quiz 80

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Then look for the Right Answers by clicking here or on the Answers Tab on the Menu and look for the same Answers page number as the Quiz Page number. You will get the answers to all the questions below.

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1 What was founded in the UK 1694  because of war with France?
2 Where would you find an Oculus?
3 Which American state drinks the most alcohol per person?
4 Who created Gomez, Mortia and Uncle Fester as a cartoon?
5 What does Magna Carta literally mean?
6 Horseradish sauce originated in which country?
7 What is a dwile?
8 In the USA a police 10 -31  is the code for what?
9 Longacre square is now better known as what?
10 In animal terms what is a dude?
11 In which US state is its highest mountain?
12 Which European city has the tomb of the three wise men?
13 What cartoon characters catchphrase was "Exit stage left"?
14 Who owned and lived in the castle Joyous Guard?
15 In Greek mythology who was the son of Hypnos God of sleep?
16 Deacon is church official from Greek what's it literally mean?
17 Name the brand of the first sour mash whiskey made in 1835?
18 In Georgia its illegal to do what with a fork?
19 Thames water removes a ton of it monthly from sewage what?
20 What sport takes place over a distance of 440  yards?
21 Mageiricophobia is the fear of what?
22 Who built the worlds first film studio?
23 The word nylon is made up from what?
24 What was patented in 1954  - the best thing?
25 20 % of women first look at a mans what?
26 What is the top selling candy bar from vending machines?
27 A healthy person does it 16  times a day - what?
28 Name 1 st Disney cartoon film based on the life of a real person?
29 Under Mississippi law there cannot be a female what?
30 In Poland if you asked for a piwo what would you get?
31 In Japan Trade Unions collect dues from what unusual source?
32 A female pigeon cannot lay an egg unless she sees what?
33 In the 18 th century offensive what were whipped?
34 Americans use 16000  tons of what each year?
35 In Holland it used to take four years to train as what?
36 As foreplay what does a Ponapean male put in a woman's vulva?
37 In a Horney Monkey there is banana crème de menthe and what?
38 What kind of bird is a bourbon?
39 What book of the Bible does not mention the name of God?
40 On average what one action makes a man live 13  years longer?
41 Which American state has the longest borders with Canada?
42 In the USA the government says its a crime to give false what?
43 In New York its illegal to teach your parrot to do what?
44 Which country invented the kilt?
45 Worlds first paperback book written in 1867  by Goethe title?
46 Which chemical element is named from the Greek for violent?
47 What author wrote the books Rage and The Sunbird?
48 Disgusting question - longest verified American one 12 ' 2 " what?
49 6000  American teenagers do it daily - what?
50 By royal decree in Jidda 1979  women banned from using what?
51 Orange juice and what make an ambassador?
52 Maoni Vi of Capetown has the world longest what at 28  inches?
53 In ancient Rome what was the tabularium?
54 40 % of MacDonald's profits come from selling what?
55 John Wayne was nicknamed duke - but after what?
56 What was Michelangelo's only signed sculpture?
57 What is the more common name for triatomic oxygen?
58 Merrylegs was a performing circus dog in which Dickens novel?
59 Who is the mother of Huey, Duey and Louie?
60 Solomon built his temple on a hill name it?
61 Ruth Eisemann-Schier was the first woman to get on what?
62 Which Science Fiction author created the triffids?
63 What food was sent to England in WW2  as part of lease lend?
64 In the Bible what is the first mentioned colour?
65 What weapon is known as the gun that won the west?
66 What is Indiana's state bird?
67 What kind of juice goes in a salty dog?
68 The Afghani tribesmen drink Khoona on wedding night what is it?
69 In the USA what was the first prime time cartoon show?
70 What was the last film where Sergio Leone directed Eastwood?
71 What country is coffee originally from?
72 What is a young beaver called?
73 In the 70 s who played The Bionic Woman?
74 In astrology what was the age before Aquarius?
75 US civil war which states buttons had a Palmetto tree on them?
76 What was the first Hanna-Barbera cartoon?
77 Who painted The Gleaners?
78 The name Europe comes from where?
79 Envoid was the first what in the USA?
80 Which Beatles song is associated with the Manson family?
81 What was the top film of 1990?
82 In 1951  these were invented what were?
83 Which biblical prophet was sawn in half inside a hollow log?
84 Caipirina means someone's drink - whose drink?
85 The word coyote comes from which language?
86 In mythology Odysseus blinded which Cyclops?
87 Confederate General William Smith carried what into battle?
88 What well known Russian author was also a doctor?
89 In 1982  San Francisco became the first US city to do what?
90 Morrissey was the lead singer of which band?
91 Which team won five Stanley cups during the 60 s?
92 The rivers Lahn and Mosel are tributaries of what river?
93 What do zoologists call the leader of a wolf pack?
94 The ponderosa pine is the state tree of which US state?
95 In WW2  what sort of weapon was a kaiten?
96 In the Bible name Isaacs wife?
97 Who or what killed Al Capone?
98 Speedy Gonzales was fastest mouse in Mexico who slowest?
99 To which group of artists does Vincent Van Gough belong?
100 What flavours the liquor chambord?

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